
An intellectual property alliance formed on Friday to help Chinese semiconductor companies better protect their IPs and deal with patent disputes when exploring markets involved in Belt and Road Initiative.

The alliance, established by the semiconductor industry website ijiwei.com and numerous chip companies, comes as intellectual properties are increasingly valued in the global tech industry.

Wang Yanhui, founder of ijiwei.com, said the chip sector is growing rapidly and committed to innovation, with patents being one of the most important drivers.

In the past decade, more attention has been attached to the creation, protection and application of intellectual properties. But due to its short development history, domestic companies lack high-value intellectual properties reserves, and some foreign companies are misusing their patent rights to create market barriers for Chinese players, Wang added.

To help solve these challenges, the alliance will offer services including innovative intellectual property operations, building transaction network, system construction to warn of industrial risks and help companies respond to crises, and patent standardizations.

The alliance won support from the Xiamen municipal government. Xiamen, located in the southeast China's Fujian province, is a pioneer in developing the country's chip industry.

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