
People chorus the song "Ode to the Motherland" during a theme event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at Dongguan International Trade Center in Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, Sept. 26, 2019. Various events launched by the All-China Youth Federation were held on Thursday across the country to express good wishes to Hong Kong and celebrate the 70th anniversary of PRC's founding. (Xinhua/Li Jiale)

People pose for a photo during a theme event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Sept. 26, 2019. Various events launched by the All-China Youth Federation were held on Thursday across the country to express good wishes to Hong Kong and celebrate the 70th anniversary of PRC's founding.(Xinhua/Hu Chao)

People form a pattern of the number "70" during a theme event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at Dongguan International Trade Center in Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, Sept. 26, 2019. Various events launched by the All-China Youth Federation were held on Thursday across the country to express good wishes to Hong Kong and celebrate the 70th anniversary of PRC's founding. (Xinhua/Li Jiale)

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