
On August 6, the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province held a teleconference of provincial market regulation departments on joint inter-agency crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting, to fully implement the gist of the 2019 national work teleconference on crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, identify specific responsibilities, mobilize the governments and market regulators of various levels in advancing the full coverage and regular-based supervision, and carry out the crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting in 2019. Wang Wenxu, Deputy Governor of Zhejiang People’s Government attended and addressed the teleconference.

It was learned from the teleconference that, starting from 2018, the administrative bodies of Zhejiang filed and handled 32,371 cases of IPR infringement and counterfeiting, valued at 11.458 million yuan, among which 216 cases were transferred to judicial organs; the local public security authorities cracked 959 cases, involving the value of 1.26 billion yuan and catching 2129 suspects; the local procurators prosecuted 3327 suspects in 1766 cases, approved the arrest of 1330 suspects in 801 cases; the local courts handled 1790 cases and closed 1747 of them, with 3153 suspects given judgment and sentences.

Zhejiang has made notable progress in the crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting concerning the key fields and major goods.The market regulation authorities carried out the special law enforcement action “Hongdun Wangjian”to combat the illegal online acts, where 5,191 cases were solved and 14,500 pieces of illegal Internet ads were discovered; the “Lanjian 2019”action was launched by the public security authorities to fight against IPR criminal acts, where 374 criminal cases were uncovered and 714 suspects were caught; the agricultural and rural authorities carried out “Lvjian”action to fight against illegal acts in agriculturale and rural material, among which 240 cases were handled and 38.83 tons of sub-standard and counterfeit agricultural inputs were seized; the customs and the publicity departments launched the cross-border crackdown on cases of IPR infringement goods and piracy respectively.

Starting this year, the seven relevant departments in Zhejiang focused on healthcare food to jointly carry out the special rectification over the chaotic market. 1,071 cases of various types were solved, 73 of whichthem were transferred to the judicial organs and the amount of fine and confiscation reached 33.07 million yuan. Meanwhile, Zhejiang continuously advanced the inter-department coordination in the Yangtze River Delta. In 2018, the member units of “Yunjian Alliance” jointly cracked 158 cases of IPR infringement, destroyed 89 production hideouts and 110 warehouse dens, and captured 513 suspects, with the case-involved value totaling over 2 billion yuan.

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