
Recently, Hainan Public Security Department and Hainan Tobacco Bureau disclosed the names and addresses of 54 retailers selling counterfeit cigarettes via the media platform to convey to the public the determination on advancing the building of brand “Hainan without counterfeits” for the Hainan clusters and deter the major market players of counterfeiting.

In addition, the 2019“Lijian”anti-faking campaign took the netting action recently and successfully destroyed a batch of counterfeiting gangs in Hainan. A total of over 6 million counterfeit and smuggled cigarettes were uncovered, valued at over 66 million yuan. 82 hideouts of counterfeiting were destroyed and 54 retailers of counterfeit cigarettes were under investigation.

Hainan will focus on the following four aspects to enhance brand building:

First, to put in place the regular release system of products or goods catalogue;

Second, to select a set of model stores, factories and streets with a certain business scale and good management as well as the brand- and credit- building pilots at the county and municipal levels so as to promote the practice of demonstration and building, and the positive energy of brands;

Third, to innovate the market regulation pattern by exploring and exploiting major technical achievements, including IOT, big data, new-generation anti-fake technology and high-definition fast imaging comparison, to establish the national (Hainan) data center of public platform for product security traceability verification, so as to provide full-coverage traceability and regulation services for products under “Hainan without counterfeits” and enhance the supervision efficacy;

Fourth, to set up a unified blacklist system.

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