
It was learned on August 21 that recently, Jiangxi Administration for Market Regulation (JXAMR) released the 2019-2021 Work Plan on Rectification over the Key Fields of Counterfeiting to launch harsh crackdown on sales and manufacture of counterfeits.

The rectification will carry out the special actions for food safety and center around health food and infants’ food. Also, the rural market is an important target of this rectification, where the special law enforcement will be launched by JXAMR. With a focus on daily consumer goods, like food, small electric appliances, bath items and hardware and electrical materials, the law enforcement inspection will be enhanced in those areas of frequent occurrence of counterfeiting, including rural markets and urban-rural fringe areas.

According to the officials of JXAMR, the rectification also targets e-commerce platforms and certification. JXAMR will reinforce the surveillance and rectification over those illegal acts of false publicity, false promotion, click-farming, credit speculation and counterfeiting, with a focus on the online consumer goods that concern people’s life, health and public security, including food, drugs, electronic products, semi-conductors, auto parts, products for kids’ use and elderly goods sold online. If any counterfeit is found, the complaint hotline 12315 is available.

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