
Zitatek Co in the Guiyang Free Trade Zone in Southwest China's Guizhou province possesses a giant 3D printer, which is four meters high and six meters wide and capable of printing large-scale products.

The printer is widely used in construction landscapes, furniture, aviation and aerospace, shipbuilding, railway traffic, energy, automobile model-making, and large models made of compound materials.

Compared with traditional machine manufacturing, 3D printers allow designers to more freely use their imaginations as they can print anything that can be designed.

Zitatek is a technology company focusing on the design, R&D, production and marketing of carbon fiber molding materials, prepregs, carbon fiber molds, and high-performance carbon fiber composite products.

The company is devoted to the R&D of new-type carbon fiber composite materials with independent intellectual property rights. It has formed a partnership with the Guizhou Material Industry Technology Research Institute.

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