
According to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP), procuratorial organs nationwide prosecuted 15,000 suspects involved in 9,000 cases concerning manufacture and sales of fake goods in 2018. “By earnestly exerting functions in 2018, procuratorial organs have severely cracked down on cases infringing the rights and interests of consumers, actively handled civil, administrative and public interest litigation, issued suggestions when finding out management gaps in the process of handling cases. All efforts are made to promote the judicial protection of consumers’ rights and interests, make people buy, use and eat assuredly and comfortably,” said Sun Qian, Vice President of SPP. As Sun Qian introduced, procuratorial organs strengthened judicial protection in 2018, approving the arrest of 8,083 in 4598 cases concerning manufacture, sales of fake goods and prosecuting 15,811 people in 9,127 cases. In particular, there were 3,981 cases concerning manufacture and sales of fake drugs, 2,319 cases of manufacture and sales of toxic and harmful food, 1,396 cases of manufacture and sales of fake goods and 1,358 cases of manufacture and sales of food with falling safety standards.

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