
It was learned from General Administration of Customs (GACC) on August 2 that, in the first half of 2019, the customs handled 6,241 batches of IPR infringements goods for import and export, up 1.5% year on year; seized 23.81 million items of such goods, up 100.7% year on year. The total value involved reached 78.73 million yuan.

As is learned, the customs nationwide innovate the means of law enforcement and enhance the joint action of enforcement. The enforcement concept based on risk management will be sustained and the big data and model of risk analysis on IPR customs protection will be studied and established to reinforce the regular risk judgment and control over the IPR infringement goods for import and export. Meanwhile, the further efforts will be made on the law enforcement cooperation between different customs by setting up the mechanism of fast coordination between the customs of application area and examination area in terms of risk resolution and joint case action, taking part in the inter-departmental joint law enforcement and advancing the coordination between industrial associations, foreign trade chambers and IP holders’ alliances. In the first half year, the customs approved 5501 applications for IPR customs protection, up 12.8% year on year.

Besides, the customs actively expand the international cooperation by promoting the cooperation with the national and local customs in EU, Russia, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, with a focus on the cooperation with the customs of countries along the Belt and Road, the joint law enforcement actions taken by the customs of China and Europe and the special action “Health Goddess” on the crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting under the framework of ASEAM.

Next, the customs will deepen the “Longteng Action 2019” by supervising and making more efforts on the major cases to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and protect the overseas markets of enterprises. Meanwhile, the inter-department coordination on law enforcement will be promoted and specified. The corresponding mechanism will be improved. The international customs cooperation will be enhanced and the cross-border law enforcement cooperation network for the crackdown on IPR infringement and counterfeiting will be set up to improve the level of IT application on law enforcement and realize the intelligent enforcement.

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