
The Supreme People's Court (SPC) released the first lecture of its online lecture series on the business environment on April 13.

The goal of the series is to introduce the achievements made by Chinese courts in building a fair, transparent, and predictable business environment, according to the SPC's Civil Adjudication Tribunal No 2.

In these lectures, professionals will explain the latest judicial policies on business matters, analyse indicators like "contract execution" and "dealing with bankruptcy" which are part of the evaluation system of the World Bank report on a business environment, and introduce the latest judicial policies, reform measures, and typical cases to entrepreneurs and judicial practitioners. .

The series consists of six lectures that will be broadcast one by one from April 13 on multiple online platforms including the SPC's official WeChat account and website, chinacourt.org, the National Enterprise Bankruptcy Information Disclosure Platform and a mobile legal information app.

It will specifically introduce to the audience the National Enterprise Bankruptcy Information Disclosure Platform, explaining its functions, usage and operating procedure.

At present, the nation-wide unified management of bankruptcy cases is achieved through two working platforms for judges and bankruptcy administrators.

All the information about bankruptcy cases is available on the new platform which also provides such services as online case-filing booking, creditor's rights declarations, and investor recruitment.

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