
Zhao Kezhi, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, held talks with Lao Minister of Public Security Police Lt. Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong, and both sides expressed the willingness to enhance law enforcement cooperation between the two countries.

Zhao said that an action plan between the two countries on building a China-Laos community with a shared future opens up a new era for bilateral relations.

He expressed the hope that both countries will conscientiously implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two Parties and two countries, strengthen security cooperation for major Belt and Road projects, and deepen cooperation in safeguarding national security and cracking down on transnational crimes such as telecommunications fraud and online gambling, as well as in law enforcement capacity building, to further advance bilateral ties in the new era.

Vilay said Laos is willing to promote cooperation in law enforcement and security with China and jointly build a Laos-China community with a shared future.

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