
As the 21th World IP Day nears, China announces the theme of 2021 China IP Publicity Week, featuring "Strengthen IPR protection, Speed up building a new development paradigm". In a bid to raise the society's awareness of respecting and protecting IPR, this year's week-long (April 20-26) event will play a solid role in publicizing key issues including IPR protection enhancement, creating a sound climate for promoting the new stage of development, applying the new development philosophy and creating a new development pattern to enhance high-quality development.

In order to embrace innovation and build the new development paradigm, the event calculates the vivid practices that regions and administrations promote IPR's high-quality creation, high-level protection and high-efficiency employment during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, playing an active role in setting the stage for the 14th Five-Year Plan.

This year's event is the 13th of its kind launched in China. As of date, the IP Publicity Week events has raised the society's IP awareness to a higher level and further inspired innovative activities in the nation, which plays a significant role in beefing up IP protection, optimizing innovation and business environment and constructing the new development paradigm, according to an expert.  

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