Updates of Countries / Regions in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Governments around the world have implemented a wide range of protocols to control the spread of COVID-19 throughout their jurisdictions. The various intellectual property offices have recognised this is an unprecedented situation that may have an impact on the ability of right holders, applicants, opponents and their representatives to meet deadlines associated with their intellectual property rights.

International Organizations and Offices

  World Intellectual Property Organization (WOPO)

  World Health Organization (WHO)

  European Patent Office (EPO)

  European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP)

  African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

  Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office (GCCPO)

North America

  The United States of America



  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


  The Federal Republic of Germany

  The French Republic


  The Czech Republic

  The Republic of Estonia

  The Kingdom of Denmark

  The Kingdom of Norway

  The Republic of Finland

  The Republic of Iceland


  The Republic of Serbia

  Bosnia and Herzegovina




  Republic of Korea

  The Republic of India

  The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

  The United Arab Emirates


  The Commonwealth of Australia

  New Zealand


Web.: www.wipo.int


Web.: www.epo.org


Web.: euipo.europa.eu


Web.: www.boip.int


Web.: aripo.org


Web.: www.gccpo.org

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Web.: www.uspto.gov

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Web.: www.canada.ca

Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom

Web.: www.gov.uk

Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation

Web.: dbei.gov.ie

German Patent and Trademark Office

Web.: www.dpma.de

French Industrial Property Office

Web.: www.inpi.fr

Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

Web.: www.hipo.gov.hu

Czech Industrial Property Office

Web.: upv.cz

The Estonian Patent Office

Web.: www.epa.ee

Danish Patent and Trademark Office

Web.: www.dkpto.dk

Norwegian Industrial Property Office

Web.: www.patentstyret.no

Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Web.: www.prh.fi

Icelandic Intellectual Property Office

Web.: gamli.els.is

Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute

Web.: ukrpatent.org

Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia

Web.: www.zis.gov.rs

Institute for Intellectual Property of BiH

Web.: www.ipr.gov.ba

China National Intellectual Property Administration

Web.: www.cnipa.gov.cn

Japan Patent Office

Web.: www.jpo.go.jp

Korean Intellectual Property Office

Web.: www.kipo.go.kr

Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks

Web.: www.ipindia.gov.in

Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam

Web.: www.noip.gov.vn

Intellectual Property Office of of Australia

Web.: www.ipaustralia.gov.au

Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand

Web.: www.iponz.govt.nz